If many of us are going to live until we are 100 years old, we can’t stop working and retire at 65. We will probably have to be at it for a bit longer than that.
And this is not a curse, it's an opportunity.
An opportunity to grow. Because it is when we change direction, do something new, take a break, acquire a new skill, become beginners again mid-life that we grow. And now, more than ever, it is fine (almost required) to do so.
Living until we are 100 years old means a long work life, which gives us a lot of opportunity to experiment and grow.
I have changed positions and direction many times in my life and every time I have been a beginner at first, but after some time I have grown into a better, more experienced person than I was going into it.
Starting and running my own business is my latest, and very exciting, challenge.
What challenges have you taken on lately? 👇👇
